Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Clearing this up for you unilluminated.

I just realized that there might be non-Discordians reading my awesome insights, and might get confused by my superior views of the universe. Okay, anyway, the world is not "Order" and "Chaos". Defining Chaos is silly because everything is Chaos. Or at least, it would be if that Pattern thingy wasn't around, yep, wasn't, because it's totally around now, and it's completely awful! Buh-arf. hopefully Blue fixes that mess eventually, but not too much, a little prime's nice, yay prime!

Anyway, it's "Order" and "Disorder"! Which are different things, and also the same things. Or rather, "Podge" and "Hodge", which are much more fun words that Eris gave us to let us better seperate the boring stuff from the fun stuff. We Discordians want Hodge, Hodge is good, but Podge is also good, because Podge helps us remember what Hodge is, but you gotta keep that Podge under control or everything gets all stagnatey and BORING.

The Hanomans have their act together, they don't want to destroy all that nice juicy Hodge, even though they follow a strict philosophy of Podginess. In fact, they like having Hodge in them, I think, which is awesome! But there's some stodgy Podgies over in Jhan that are SO horrible, the Tyrants, they want to get rid of all that Hodge, along with their butt-buddies the Fallen Blood of Chaos, THEY worship that Tyr guy too, plus some other jerks. Also there's the Adonians and the Yehovites, they're more about good, but they're not a fan of Hodginess either, but it's more guilt tripping than straight up destroying.

Hopefully this clears up a bunch of completely obvious completely true things, maybe you'll join the faith too!

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